Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I am so screwed. Two Now I am a criminal. I decided to grow my plants in hopes that I didn't have to go out to the drug dealers and such. I could just grow my plant here. Didn't work. I got arrested. How can they tell me I can't grow a plant? It's fucked up. It's all getting crazy.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Shit or get off the pot
Well I guess that's one way to put it. Since I am such a blunt person, its prolly the perfect way to say it. Also, get busy livin' or get busy dyin'. That's good too. Regardless, I just need to practice what I preach. There are several different ways I can look at life. It's gonna go on and on, with or without me. I may bitch and moan and complain but that doesn't change the fact that really, I like life. Lately, I could go so far as to say I love life. out now.
It's obvious I have been given 1,000 second chances by fate or God. I feel very blessed. When I deal with other people, I try to make them smile and feel good about themselves. Time to practice what I preach for myself. The past month I have been cheering up, thinking positive. And wouldn't you know it, positive things have been coming around. Of course there are little things that happen that are bad but if I look at them in regards to the scheme of things in life, they are really nothing more than a slight pain in the ass. My 3 year anniversary is tomorrow. While this man isn't perfect, he's certainly more than I deserve. And I'm thankful for him. The promotion at work is closer and closer. My son is coming down here for a month on the 12th.
Things really are good in my life when I'm not analyzing the shit out of them, making them bad. Hey, this thing is doable yet
It's obvious I have been given 1,000 second chances by fate or God. I feel very blessed. When I deal with other people, I try to make them smile and feel good about themselves. Time to practice what I preach for myself. The past month I have been cheering up, thinking positive. And wouldn't you know it, positive things have been coming around. Of course there are little things that happen that are bad but if I look at them in regards to the scheme of things in life, they are really nothing more than a slight pain in the ass. My 3 year anniversary is tomorrow. While this man isn't perfect, he's certainly more than I deserve. And I'm thankful for him. The promotion at work is closer and closer. My son is coming down here for a month on the 12th.
Things really are good in my life when I'm not analyzing the shit out of them, making them bad. Hey, this thing is doable yet
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
What can I say?
These drugs have really got a hold on me. I can figure most things out. I have overcome some terrible things in my life. But my worst enemy is me. Some might say I need rehab...hmmm. If it didn't help me after going five times (not even counting detox) then I seriously doubt it would help now. I know the solutions, the 'answers'. No one could tell me anything I don't already know. But once you taste the euphoria of a drug, its hard not to want it again. The hardest part is the obsession of the mind. Spending most of your time wishing you had a certain drug, you might as well do it...I mean if you are gonna think about it anyway. I attended my first AA meeting when I was 18. I hadn't even been thru 10% of the hell I would go thru and I already knew I had a problem. But AA tells you you must believe in a higher power. Where does that leave me? I can't just pick and chose what I think about God, its pretty much been burnt into me from the way it was shoved down my throat ever since I can remember and even now when I go to the church I am a member of. Maybe I can choose what I want to believe about God but it doesn't seem right. There's too many questions. Maybe I can just believe in good vs evil. Make God the greater good of this world. That might work. I'll try it
Thursday, May 20, 2010
So I've been answering questions on this web site from people out there that I guess have computer's and want some advice. Isn't it crazy that I can give kick ass advice but I can't take it. Like I've got pearls of wisdom from doing everything the wrong way. I guess I can see now how my past experiences can beused to help other people which is cool cause it's not good for jack shit else except depression and cringes. But I have to wonder if people are like me and drive past the guy(freak) on the road trying to flag me down to tell me about some enormous disaster that awaits if I keep going. No thanks! and I wave... I'll just check it out for myself, that guy was probably crazy...
Monday, May 17, 2010
I have a very strong desire to get fucked up today. My kids came this weekend and I have to miss them all over again now that they've gone back. Went to a Fun Party (sex toys party) last night. Got some things that will cheer me up, and especially cheer my hubby up! I think I'll go check them out before he gets home!!!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Daddy Issue
I've been thinking about my daddy alot today. After he remarried when I was 11, I didn't see him much and we started to lose touch. I wrote him a letter saying that I missed him. Unfortunately, he wrote back:
I received your letter, but I really don’t know how to answer it. First of all, apparently your definition of “Daddy” is a lot different than mine. I feel like a Daddy is more than a phone call. A Daddy should be someone involved in activities, the happy times not just the problems. A Daddy should be consulted for opinions and asked approval for outings, trips, Etc. I never know where you are going or where you have been. I have never been included in your life so in a way I guess you were right- I’ve never been a Daddy to you. Sure I used to call every week, but I still didn’t know what was going on. Neither my permission nor my opinion was asked for anything.
Just for instance last Thanksgiving I made plans for you to come (as you had every other year), can you imagine my feelings when I found out you were in Florida. I think a “Daddy” should have gotten more consideration.
You say we’ve grown apart, but after all ya’ll are the ones that left, moved to Memphis and are ”too busy” to visit regularly. The only time you wanted to come was when you didn’t have anything else to do. I can’t be expected to live that way. I have things to do also and I found myself sitting, not making plans, waiting for you to come.
You have your family there and Ed has more say in your life than I do. He’s there everyday and has been for the past several years. I can’t compete with that. You turn to him- he’s there, I’m not. You will never be able to become a complete member of my family because if nothing else, you live in Memphis and I never see you. I want you to be happy and I want you to have the Daddy you said in your letter you wanted. I want you to accept Ed, he’s there for you. I can’t be. I can’t speak for him, but I understand that he does want you to be his daughter.
Karen has mentioned in the past that she and Ed wanted to adopt you. I don’t know if they do or not, but if they do, I think it would be the best for everyone. There is no reason this should change your relationship with Doris. I hope you will talk this over with Karen and Ed.
He didn't sign it. All I could think was what the fuck. This wasn't what I intended when I wrote him. Besides I thought I was a part of his family when I was born. Was it because Mom and him adopted me when I was born? God, so many questions I need(ed) answered.
About a year ago his mother died so I went to say goodbye to my grandmother. I knew he'd be there but I wasn't sure what I'd say. I went with my aunt and graveside he saw us standing there. So he started making his rounds telling people thanks and eventually he got to my aunt. He asked, "whose this pretty young lady who's with you?" She said, 'his is your daughter Billy Earl" I felt so mortified I turned my back and started talking to my cousin. He moved on. Then I thought, "this is my chance to talk to him. I won't get another one" So I walked right up to him and said, "I need to talk to you but first I want a hug." I embraced him but he acted like he was hugging a turd and barely put his arms around me. I said,"i just want you to know that I forgive you." He looked confused and I walked away.
Forgive you? That wasn't what I really wanted to say. I really wanted to scream why??? how could you do that to me when I idolized you. You were my daddy for God's sake! Instead what comes out is I forgive you! Shit!
He did cry rather hard during the funeral but that could've just been for my grand ma. Sometimes I kick myself for relieving his conscience when I'm still having trouble getting over it. Ha! Get over it. Let go. Just how the hell does one do that?
I received your letter, but I really don’t know how to answer it. First of all, apparently your definition of “Daddy” is a lot different than mine. I feel like a Daddy is more than a phone call. A Daddy should be someone involved in activities, the happy times not just the problems. A Daddy should be consulted for opinions and asked approval for outings, trips, Etc. I never know where you are going or where you have been. I have never been included in your life so in a way I guess you were right- I’ve never been a Daddy to you. Sure I used to call every week, but I still didn’t know what was going on. Neither my permission nor my opinion was asked for anything.
Just for instance last Thanksgiving I made plans for you to come (as you had every other year), can you imagine my feelings when I found out you were in Florida. I think a “Daddy” should have gotten more consideration.
You say we’ve grown apart, but after all ya’ll are the ones that left, moved to Memphis and are ”too busy” to visit regularly. The only time you wanted to come was when you didn’t have anything else to do. I can’t be expected to live that way. I have things to do also and I found myself sitting, not making plans, waiting for you to come.
You have your family there and Ed has more say in your life than I do. He’s there everyday and has been for the past several years. I can’t compete with that. You turn to him- he’s there, I’m not. You will never be able to become a complete member of my family because if nothing else, you live in Memphis and I never see you. I want you to be happy and I want you to have the Daddy you said in your letter you wanted. I want you to accept Ed, he’s there for you. I can’t be. I can’t speak for him, but I understand that he does want you to be his daughter.
Karen has mentioned in the past that she and Ed wanted to adopt you. I don’t know if they do or not, but if they do, I think it would be the best for everyone. There is no reason this should change your relationship with Doris. I hope you will talk this over with Karen and Ed.
He didn't sign it. All I could think was what the fuck. This wasn't what I intended when I wrote him. Besides I thought I was a part of his family when I was born. Was it because Mom and him adopted me when I was born? God, so many questions I need(ed) answered.
About a year ago his mother died so I went to say goodbye to my grandmother. I knew he'd be there but I wasn't sure what I'd say. I went with my aunt and graveside he saw us standing there. So he started making his rounds telling people thanks and eventually he got to my aunt. He asked, "whose this pretty young lady who's with you?" She said, 'his is your daughter Billy Earl" I felt so mortified I turned my back and started talking to my cousin. He moved on. Then I thought, "this is my chance to talk to him. I won't get another one" So I walked right up to him and said, "I need to talk to you but first I want a hug." I embraced him but he acted like he was hugging a turd and barely put his arms around me. I said,"i just want you to know that I forgive you." He looked confused and I walked away.
Forgive you? That wasn't what I really wanted to say. I really wanted to scream why??? how could you do that to me when I idolized you. You were my daddy for God's sake! Instead what comes out is I forgive you! Shit!
He did cry rather hard during the funeral but that could've just been for my grand ma. Sometimes I kick myself for relieving his conscience when I'm still having trouble getting over it. Ha! Get over it. Let go. Just how the hell does one do that?
Friday, May 7, 2010
Going strong
Its been a few days since my last post and things are going well. I feel motivated. Started eating better. Try to just DO things that need to be done. I have a little more confidence too. I think the lack of confidence was something I used drugs to overcome. Now when I say drugs, I am not including marijuana. Weed is a plant, not a fucking drug. It still amazes me how much freedom we have in America yet I can't smoke a bud off a plant if I want to. That seems a little crazy to me. Especially since I can drink alcohol, which kills thousands of peopledaily. Weed doesn't kill you. The problem is its not legal so to get it you have to put yourself in harms way. Here's my get drunk and kill your wife. You get high and forget to kill your wife. One day America will wake from the propaganda we've been fed concerning weed, and we will realize all the positive effects of smoking marijuana. I just hope its in my lifetime
Monday, May 3, 2010
Okay! So its time to quit whining and start living. All these answers, all these questions, all that I'm after, Well..... I won't know in this lifetime. Everyone has their theories. their belief patterns. I think most of them depend on what country you happened to be born in. But when You get right down to it, NO ONE KNOWS!!! And sad but true I won't know til I die and maybe not even then. I have done so much running, where do I fit in?, what do I do?, What's this all about? When really, I coulda just been looking around, checking things out. Well, People, anyone...whoever you are out there....My life starts now
Monday, April 26, 2010
Silly Me
It now takes about 7 lortabs to feel a buzz. That's crazy. But not as crazy as the compulsion to find them and take them. I realize once I take them that in general I don't even like the feeling I get. I get irritable and nauseous. When I come down, I have a headache. I think to myself why do I even take this shit. But low and behold, a day later I can't wait to get my hands on some. It's like that with alcohol too. It stopped working for me a long time ago but about every six months I will get a strong desire to drink. This used to happen everyday so I suppose I have gotten a little better but mind is very self-destructive. That's how I know this is a disease. I pride myself on being intelligent but where chemicals are concerned, I make no sense. And the memories of some of the things I did under the influence of these chemicals. God, I just have to cringe.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
God therapy
I went to see my therapist today. She gave me an assignment. I'm supposed to write down everything I think about God. And i know that if I could resolve this issue everything else would fall into place. It's a God issue with me and a daddy issue. Everything else is extra. It centers there. And i can see it so clearly. Yet here I am stuck in the guts of it and I can't get past. It would be so cool to be able to step outside myself and fix what's wrong. But I can't. I know what's wrong and how to fix it. I just don't have the right tools. I am aware of them. I know which tools to use... shit enough with the symbolics. I'm fucked up and broken. I know what will fix me. And yet I haven't a clue what to do. I DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT SHIT AND I'M SCARED TO DEATH!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Well, I got some lortab yesterday. Of course I had to steal them. (which if I'm honest with myself is part of the thrill) So I've been cleaning today and calling relatives and friends I haven't talked to in awhile. Among them- my mother. It's not that I don't love her but she is a total control freak. She tries to control me from a whole nother part of the United States and she makes me feel guilty til I do what she wants. Really I fear her. She used to hit me alot. Actually it hasn't been a year since she hit me last. I was visiting her and staying at her house while seeing my three kids. She wanted me to get off the phone and I was talking to my husband and wasn't done. Plus I'm 37 fucking years old. I think I can talk on the phone now. So since I was ignoring her she walked over to me and started hitting me hard on my arm. Well I lost it and jumped up and started hitting her back on her arms and chest. I backed her all the way across the side of the pool. (we were in her back yard) What upset me so bad was that I just kinda lost it. I was backing her up before I even thought about it. I am afraid that if she hits me, one day I am really gonna lose it and hurt her.
The sad part was that I talked to my dad (step-father) about it and though he is always a reasonable guy, he actually said, you know your mother wouldn't hit you if she didn't care about you. What kind of horseshit is that. I just nodded and kept my mouth shut. Wow, the thought that hitting someone means you care... Well, all the men in my life must have really cared about me, especially the last one. He almost killed me several times. But then again, I felt I deserved it back then. But now I got me a good man. He doesn't drink, do drugs, or smoke. He keeps me in line through his love.
Well, I need to go clean before this shit wears off and I become lazy again.
The sad part was that I talked to my dad (step-father) about it and though he is always a reasonable guy, he actually said, you know your mother wouldn't hit you if she didn't care about you. What kind of horseshit is that. I just nodded and kept my mouth shut. Wow, the thought that hitting someone means you care... Well, all the men in my life must have really cared about me, especially the last one. He almost killed me several times. But then again, I felt I deserved it back then. But now I got me a good man. He doesn't drink, do drugs, or smoke. He keeps me in line through his love.
Well, I need to go clean before this shit wears off and I become lazy again.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Well, I have been cleaning the house today, which is weird because I usually only really clean when I am on some type of opiate. My shrink says I'm full of shit, that opiates don't give people energy. Well, fuck him! They do me. I take a handful of lortabs or oxycodone and I feel charged. Absolutely alive and full of energy. I say the right things, can do the right things, hell, I even feel the right way. Besides, what would he know about it? I seriously doubt the man's ever taken a handful of anything in his life, let alone some fucking drugs. But he is an earth person. Thats what I call people who arent addicts. They are different. They set goals, put on their blinders and just do life. I want more than that. I have to stop and look around, test the water, analyze the shit outa it. I'm that kid that keeps asking why. I can't just take people's word for it. I have to do it myself. I could have a panic attack watching someone sweep the floor- I want to do it. Hey, let me...I want to see if I can do it better. You missed a spot. but that's just me. And probably what gets me in my messes alot of the time. There are more qualified people to do things but I want to do it myself. Except when it comes to doing the right things. Thats boring. Most of the time the wrong thing is where the fun's at. Which is another thing I don't understand about God. We have these instincts, this human nature. It's natural to do the wrong things. Well, didn't God make us? With all these flaws? So why would that be something I would have to be condemned for? He made me imperfect so why would I need to ask forgiveness for something thats in my nature to do? I try to do the right things but naturally I can't every time. There's a flaw in my design. Not something I chose but something I was born with, something that was given to me. So how is that my fault. I can only try to do what's right, and expect that its not gonna be right all the time, because I'm human. But to feel guilty for how I was made? To pit myself against myself and feel guilty when I can't win. That's absurd.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Alrighty then
We are human and so much goes wrong with our bodies. My Batcha is dying, thats Japanese for grandmother. She is bleeding out somehow, my daughter says.. It sounds awful. She was such a little woman. I remember the last time I saw her and she said, o, you get so fat. With her little Japanese accent and haircut and body. When I met her she was my husbands sisters mother in law. Figure that one out. But she made such an impression on whoever she came in contact with. She said exactly what she thought and she said it with a scowl and broken English. She was cute. Seems so sad she has to die, especially from bleeding out and whatever that entails.
And then my Aunt Sister, she says how much she wishes God would just take her home. Really she started dying after my uncle died. The doctor helped it along by blotching up a surgery for hip replacement. He messed up a nerve in her spine and she has spinal stenosis. Which apparently means that your whole fucking body hurts and you slowly just stop trying. She has to use a walker to get around but probably this time next year she won't be able to stand up on her own. So I hear how horrible she feels. I picture in my mind a flower wilting and dying. Probably over-dramatic but it hurts just the same.
She was one of those ladies who does everything for everyone and smiles the whole time. As a matter of fact I am taking this moment to call her... I told her I loved her. I see her everyday and get her groceries and drive her to the doctor and do what she needs done around the house...
DON'T LET THAT FOOL YA. I have stolen from her,lied to her, probably condemned her to more pain all for the morphine high of her medications. I am a low life, a user and abuser. A snake in the grass. And I don't want to be any of that really... the truth is I just want some fucking drugs. Some relief bottom line. I want some way to stop thinking about THIS. The truth that we all die and suffer while we are here. The human condition is so reprehensible to me that I see no hope. We just keep going on and on and on. And then there are people that believe in God. I do, but I am not sure what I think about him. I see people destroyed by tragedy and pain, and if there is a God why wouldn't he stop it? If He loves us sooooo much? If he is sooooo powerful? Yeah, I have come to the conclusion that you can't be both and have the world the way it is. There is no way that a God that loves us soooo much would ever let us suffer the way we do as humans if he had the power to stop it. Doesn't it make you a little angry that God is just watching it and letting it happen? I get high so I don't have to think of these things. Just take me away, give me some euphoria, just a little pleasure please. make this shit worth it
And then my Aunt Sister, she says how much she wishes God would just take her home. Really she started dying after my uncle died. The doctor helped it along by blotching up a surgery for hip replacement. He messed up a nerve in her spine and she has spinal stenosis. Which apparently means that your whole fucking body hurts and you slowly just stop trying. She has to use a walker to get around but probably this time next year she won't be able to stand up on her own. So I hear how horrible she feels. I picture in my mind a flower wilting and dying. Probably over-dramatic but it hurts just the same.
She was one of those ladies who does everything for everyone and smiles the whole time. As a matter of fact I am taking this moment to call her... I told her I loved her. I see her everyday and get her groceries and drive her to the doctor and do what she needs done around the house...
DON'T LET THAT FOOL YA. I have stolen from her,lied to her, probably condemned her to more pain all for the morphine high of her medications. I am a low life, a user and abuser. A snake in the grass. And I don't want to be any of that really... the truth is I just want some fucking drugs. Some relief bottom line. I want some way to stop thinking about THIS. The truth that we all die and suffer while we are here. The human condition is so reprehensible to me that I see no hope. We just keep going on and on and on. And then there are people that believe in God. I do, but I am not sure what I think about him. I see people destroyed by tragedy and pain, and if there is a God why wouldn't he stop it? If He loves us sooooo much? If he is sooooo powerful? Yeah, I have come to the conclusion that you can't be both and have the world the way it is. There is no way that a God that loves us soooo much would ever let us suffer the way we do as humans if he had the power to stop it. Doesn't it make you a little angry that God is just watching it and letting it happen? I get high so I don't have to think of these things. Just take me away, give me some euphoria, just a little pleasure please. make this shit worth it
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
So I decided today to robo. I have always been embarrassed of this medication. When I was 13 I had to go into a 'hospital' for people who were sad. Pretty much I wanted to die cause of my father but that is a story for another time. At this hospital I learned that you could drink Robitussin cough medicine and get high. The kid who told me didn't elaborate on what exactly it does to you. It gets you real fuckin high. Actually I don't think high is the word. I'll say trip because that's much closer.
Anyway, I tried it at school that week, only I took just plain Robitussin. I just felt full. I had told my friend about it and told her the regular stuff doesn't do it, it has to be DM. So that next week we got outa school early and we drank 8 ounces apiece. And we fuckin tripped. It was like leaving my body, actually my spirit coming out of me and seeing everything from over my shoulder and a little to the right. No kidding.
I enjoyed it so much that I did it at school a few times and then, later that year, I did exactly what I always do with anything I like and I took too much. My friends dropped me off on my parents porch, three hours before curfew, rang the doorbell and took off. I don't blame them. See I thought that none of that was really happening, this was only a dream. And a funny dream! I think I actually laughed in my mother's face as she slapped mine repeatedly. So where ya think they put me? Back at the 'hospital'. Only on the OTHER SIDE. The side for druggies and alcoholic teens. Only back then in the 90's not alot of people knew about robo, so when I told the group, they laughed me outa the building...literally. I was sent back to the sad side. Oh joy.
So that's why it embarrasses me. But let me just say that its called DXM now and there are web sites dedicated to it. I am fucked up now but coming down a little. When I take it, I see. I mean I really see what's happening with everything in this crazy world. I realize we are too stupid to be this smart. Sound strange? I think our technology will destroy us. One day some scientist somewhere will split the wrong goddamn atom and that will be that. Boom. I can actually picture God looking down on us after Adam has eaten the fruit and everything has gone wrong(obviously). When asked by an angel, you gonna destroy them now? And he says,Nah. they can do that themselves.
Anyway, I tried it at school that week, only I took just plain Robitussin. I just felt full. I had told my friend about it and told her the regular stuff doesn't do it, it has to be DM. So that next week we got outa school early and we drank 8 ounces apiece. And we fuckin tripped. It was like leaving my body, actually my spirit coming out of me and seeing everything from over my shoulder and a little to the right. No kidding.
I enjoyed it so much that I did it at school a few times and then, later that year, I did exactly what I always do with anything I like and I took too much. My friends dropped me off on my parents porch, three hours before curfew, rang the doorbell and took off. I don't blame them. See I thought that none of that was really happening, this was only a dream. And a funny dream! I think I actually laughed in my mother's face as she slapped mine repeatedly. So where ya think they put me? Back at the 'hospital'. Only on the OTHER SIDE. The side for druggies and alcoholic teens. Only back then in the 90's not alot of people knew about robo, so when I told the group, they laughed me outa the building...literally. I was sent back to the sad side. Oh joy.
So that's why it embarrasses me. But let me just say that its called DXM now and there are web sites dedicated to it. I am fucked up now but coming down a little. When I take it, I see. I mean I really see what's happening with everything in this crazy world. I realize we are too stupid to be this smart. Sound strange? I think our technology will destroy us. One day some scientist somewhere will split the wrong goddamn atom and that will be that. Boom. I can actually picture God looking down on us after Adam has eaten the fruit and everything has gone wrong(obviously). When asked by an angel, you gonna destroy them now? And he says,Nah. they can do that themselves.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
First blog
Not the greatest decision maker so picking my settings and fonts and shit took an hour. Hope ya like it. Then again, I will probably never know. There are so many blogs in the world, who would give a percent of a shit about mine. Besides, this is mostly for me. A confessional you might say. I'm not Catholic but I'd love to go to confession. Really get it out. I have so much to confess. First, while I am writing this tonight, I am relatively sober, besides the meds I have to take. I have been taking meds for depression since I was 13. Then I had meds for bipolar tacked on, then ADD, then something so I didn't sleep all the time. Another doctor has prescribed me meds for stopping smoking which, can you guess, I haven't done. Biding my time you could say. I will quit.
I spent I would say 30% of my time today wishing I could do drugs, 30% trying to talk myself into getting up and doing something. The other 40% was spent thinking about whatever stupid, tragic things I have done to my children and family, or just feeling general guilt. Guilt is my greatest motivator. They say when it hurts enough, you change it. Ha, if that were only true. Being a liar and a thief is part of me now. I just step outside myself and do it. I watch myself fucking up from a distance. Shrinks call that disassociation. Whatever.
so ... buckle up and enjoy the ride. It gets pretty hairy but hey, I'm the one livin it.
I spent I would say 30% of my time today wishing I could do drugs, 30% trying to talk myself into getting up and doing something. The other 40% was spent thinking about whatever stupid, tragic things I have done to my children and family, or just feeling general guilt. Guilt is my greatest motivator. They say when it hurts enough, you change it. Ha, if that were only true. Being a liar and a thief is part of me now. I just step outside myself and do it. I watch myself fucking up from a distance. Shrinks call that disassociation. Whatever.
so ... buckle up and enjoy the ride. It gets pretty hairy but hey, I'm the one livin it.
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